Category: Blog

How Durable Is Your Render System?

There are various factors to consider when it comes to a render system’s durability, such as the substrate and the wall’s condition prior to applying the render. But among all the other factors, the type of render plays a significant role in how long it lasts. There are certain types of renders that contractors can apply to your home or business. Each type of render can cover your external wall, making it aesthetically pleasing and protecting it against the weather. RENDER Sand and Cement Render Also called traditional render, sand and cement are the early and cheapest version of rendering....

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House rendering staffordshire

Why You Should Render Your Home

A large num­ber of prop­er­ties in the UK are ren­dered the ren­der used on the prop­er­ties has many advantages and we have listed just a few below to show you why rendering has so many great benefits. Pro­tect­ing under­ly­ing brick­work Cre­ate an attrac­tive façade on an unattractive prop­erty Tying sev­eral dif­fer­ent build­ing mate­ri­als types together Cracks A big issue for older prop­er­ties is that they move expanding in the sum­mer and shrink in the win­ter. This movement of the build­ing often results in crack­ing and water can suddenly find its way behind the ren­der. This unfortunately...

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